For active psoriatic arthritis (PsA) in adult TNFi‑IR patients1


RINVOQ met its primary endpoint (ACR20 at Week 12) and several secondary
endpoints at Week 12 or 24.1,4

ACR=American College of Rheumatology; ACR20=improvement of at least 20% in tender joint count, swollen joint count, and at least 3 other core criteria (patient assessment of pain, patient global assessment, HAQ-DI, physician global assessment, and hs-CRP); IR=intolerance or inadequate response; TNFi=tumor necrosis factor inhibitor


SELECT-PsA 2 Study Design Intro:1 24-week, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of 642 adult patients with moderate to severe active PsA who had an inadequate response or intolerance to at least one biologic DMARD. Patients were randomized to receive upadacitinib or placebo.

NRI Data from SELECT-PsA 2: ACR20/50/70

*P<0.001; analyses were not controlled for multiplicity; P-value obtained through nominal statistical testing4



DATA LIMITATIONS:4 Data labeled as a primary or ranked secondary endpoint were multiplicity controlled for comparisons. All other comparisons were not adjusted for multiplicity; therefore, statistical significance has not been established.

SELECT-PsA 2: Biologic DMARD-IR patients5


SELECT-PsA 2: MDA over time - 29% at week 24 (n=194), 44% at week 152 (n=144) (AO)

In an As Observed (AO) analysis, patients with missing data at a specific time are not included, which may enrich the population and increase the response rates.

OLE LIMITATIONS: There is potential for enrichment of OLE data; unblinding patients may cause bias related to the overall treatment effect.

Complete Resolution of

NRI Data from SELECT-PsA 2: Enthesitis & Dactylitis

*For subjects with baseline presence of enthesitis (LEI>0).
†For subjects with baseline presence of dactylitis (LDI>0).
P<0.001; analyses were not controlled for multiplicity; P-value obtained through nominal statistical testing4


DATA LIMITATIONS:4 Data labeled as a primary or ranked secondary endpoint were multiplicity controlled for comparisons. All other comparisons were not adjusted for multiplicity; therefore, statistical significance has not been established.

SELECT-PsA 2: Biologic DMARD-IR patients5


Complete Resolution of Enthesitis (LEI=0)

SELECT-PsA 2: Complete Resolution of Enthesitis

For subjects with baseline presence of enthesitis (LEI>0).

In an As Observed (AO) analysis, patients with missing data at a specific time are not included, which may enrich the population and increase the response rates.

OLE LIMITATIONS: There is potential for enrichment of OLE data; unblinding patients may cause bias related to the overall treatment effect.

Complete Resolution of Dactylitis (LDI=0)

SELECT-PsA 2: Complete Resolution of Dactylitis

For subjects with baseline presence of dactylitis (LDI>0).

In an As Observed (AO) analysis, patients with missing data at a specific time are not included, which may enrich the population and increase the response rates.

OLE LIMITATIONS: There is potential for enrichment of OLE data; unblinding patients may cause bias related to the overall treatment effect.

POWER to helpStop further joint damage1
RINVOQ vs placebo in ∆mTSS at Week 24

SELECT-PsA 1 Study Design Intro:1 24-week, double-blind, placebo and active comparator-controlled study of 1705 adult patients with moderate to severe active PsA who had an inadequate response or intolerance to at least one non-biologic DMARD. Patients were randomized to receive either upadacitinib, active comparator, or placebo.

NRI Data from SELECT-PsA 1: ACR20

SELECT-PsA 1 in non-biologic DMARD-IR patients1,7

RINVOQ is indicated for TNFi-IR patients

SELECT-PsA 1: RINVOQ vs placebo in ∆mTSS at Week 24

P=0.0386; analyses were not controlled for multiplicity. P-values obtained through nominal statistical testing7

At Week 24 the mean change from baseline in mTSS was -0.02 for RINVOQ (random coefficient model)1
At Week 56 the mean change from baseline in mTSS was -0.04 for RINVOQ (random coefficient model)9
93% of RINVOQ patients showed no radiographic progression (ΔmTSS≤0) at 24 weeks vs 89% on placebo (LE)1
95% of RINVOQ patients showed no radiographic progression (ΔmTSS≤0) at 56 weeks (LE)10,a

NRI Data from SELECT-PsA 1: Radiographic Inhibition

DATA LIMITATIONS:11 Data labeled as a ranked secondary endpoint was multiplicity controlled for comparisons. All other comparisons were not adjusted for multiplicity; therefore, statistical significance has not been established.

Improvement in physical function4
LS mean ∆HAQ-DI from baseline at Week 12 was -0.30* for RINVOQ (n=199) vs
-0.10 for placebo (n=180) (MMRM) (ranked secondary endpoint)4

SELECT-PsA 2: Biologic DMARD-IR patients12

Durable HAQ-DI responses for RINVOQ up to ~1 year12

SELECT-PsA 2 HAQ-DI responses for RINVOQ up to ~1 year (AO)

*P<0.001 for RINVOQ vs placebo4

Durable HAQ-DI responses for RINVOQ up to ~1 year12

DATA LIMITATIONS: Data labeled as a ranked secondary endpoint were multiplicity controlled for comparisons. All other comparisons were not adjusted for multiplicity; therefore, statistical significance has not been established.


Review the safety profile of RINVOQ,
including both short- and long-term analyses